Friday, October 3, 2008

R2P (Building an Army Pt 4)

So yea, todays goal was actually met.
Get all my infantry ready to paint. And i did it.
I also played a little game called how many times can I glue my fingers together.

I won.

Heres a vid recap of everything, sorry about the quality, ill post some decent pics as the units get done.

I know i said the quality is bad in the vid, but its more like piss poor.

And here is a better quality vid, it had no sound so i put some weezer into it.

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About Me

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San Antonio, TX
I am a 25 year old college graduate with a BA in Criminal Justice. I do alot of tinkering and messing around with alot of stuff. Lots of hobbies and creativity flowing in the ol noggin, so I figured I might as well share it with you.