Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Infiltration, (Building an Army pt 6)

Ive been really depressed lately. Probably not something you wanna read on a crappy little 40k painting blog, for those that actually do read this. But you have to get it out of the system sometime. I think thats one of the reason that ive been so involved with painting. Used to could I would raid alot in WoW, but im kinda taking a break till the expac, so i need something else to occupy my mind. Problem is, is that everthing is so worry some. I need to take my copentency tests so I can start looking for a job for a teacher, but im so paranoid that I might fail the test that Im actually afraid to sign up for one. Add on top of that the lack of hrs at bestbuy and the lack of jobs for subbing, money is running low. And then lately ive just been really lonely. Truth is there is someone that I am totally in love with, I cannot be with her. And, well it drives me insane, because as far as im concerned, its kinda not fair. But im ranting... and I just needed to get that out, and to get it off my mind.

So today I decided to prime all the rest of my old figs and get them ready to be painted. I also decided to undertake probably the reason why I didnt even want a certain unit in my army. My scouts.

So naturally they had to be primed, but the question was what direction did I want to take with them. I wanted them to have some depth and not just be 2 colors. Well in the end they were only 2 colors, but damn did they take forever.

Ive been taking a layering technique out for a spin to see if i could get figs done faster, and so far it seems to be working. The first step was the pants, this i did in 2 steps. I started off with a unique color I made by mixing some other colors, then putting down a alayer of commando khaki.

Then came down for the leather accents, I think this took the most time. Then after wards I went with the faces and my first real attempts at eyes. Some of my troops as a result do look like they came in on the short bus, as does my cmdr. But not bad for my first attempt.

After the leather accents and faces came the layers of gunmetal and black to touch up the mistakes. In the end they came out pretty nice. Up close not perfection, but from the standard distance they look pretty nice. I gotta look at the brightside, this is one of the few things that bring me joy. Things are hectic in my life, and I really just want them all to calm down.

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About Me

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San Antonio, TX
I am a 25 year old college graduate with a BA in Criminal Justice. I do alot of tinkering and messing around with alot of stuff. Lots of hobbies and creativity flowing in the ol noggin, so I figured I might as well share it with you.