Monday, October 6, 2008

By Fire Be Purged (BoA pt 5)

So, one of the reasons these are always posted at like 3 am, is because i tend to post them after i get done with whatever I decided to do. In this case I wanted to work on project Ragnaros.

That is a small 5 man devestator squad, or a purge team. The squad itself consists of 2 multi-melta's and 2 flamers, with a commander that is armed with a power swd and a plasma pistol. Basically a bunch of guys playing with fire.

While i was working on this squad, I thought of a little lore behind it. Basically a squad each of whom has been close to the fire and seen the light of god in that flame. If they had no helms, they would more than likely be burn victims if you will.

I was glad that I had enough beakies to work with. I actually really like the beakies, they bring a nice level of variety to the table.

Now as far as the sgt, I did the same thing with him that I will more than likely wind up doing for a lot of my bits, and that really just some minor modifications. He was made from, what I think was a blood angels mephisto (a bit of irony there). I clipped down the collar and mutilated his head for the skull helm. If i had better tools i might have been able to so it quicker. But in the end, im happy with it and that all that matters.

I also took a few lil terrain pics also. One day Ill have to work on a display board so I can take some nice pics. Oh and I managed to get some WS snow the other day, 8 bucks for the large shaker. So, I will be rebasing my dreads, bikes, land speeders, and termies soon.

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About Me

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San Antonio, TX
I am a 25 year old college graduate with a BA in Criminal Justice. I do alot of tinkering and messing around with alot of stuff. Lots of hobbies and creativity flowing in the ol noggin, so I figured I might as well share it with you.