Thursday, October 9, 2008

From a sinner to a saint (Rise of a Chapter Master)

So the goal was to create a unique figure to have in my space marine army, not only to serve as an hq, but as a chapter master. What I needed was a starting point. I wanted to use a Space Wolf Logan Grimnar, but to remove what I wanted to do, i found it would be too much work. So I looked at my fall back. My favorite figure has, and probably always will be (now more so than ever) the emperors champion. So i descided to use him as a starting point. I had some bits left over from termies from my AoBR set, so i did some cutting and plopped them on the shoulder pads... It was a start, but no where near enough. Then I dug around and found an iron halo and cape from a Celestine the Living Saint figure that i picked up for a buck. ( the bits not the fig ). A bit of cutting and positioning, and bam. I think we had a winner. But something was missing. I couldnt place my fingers on it, but he was lacking something. This chapter master was supposed to be a godsend, an an... That was it. He needed wings, but where would i get wings from.
Then it struck me...Dark Angels Grand Master Azrael's helm had nice wings that i could steal. The only problem is his little buddy had them and wasnt int he mood to bargain. So, i did what any other reasonable man would do.

I bartered.

So now I had my wings, and with somethinking, and some positioning, so did my chapter master.

Whats sad is im gonna have to take him apart to paint him, and im also going to have to pin the halo and cape on, because hes very abck heavey, but on the upside. He looks pretty bad ass.

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About Me

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San Antonio, TX
I am a 25 year old college graduate with a BA in Criminal Justice. I do alot of tinkering and messing around with alot of stuff. Lots of hobbies and creativity flowing in the ol noggin, so I figured I might as well share it with you.