Friday, September 19, 2008

Everybody get to the Choppa! (BoA pt 2.5)

So as much as I would like to do some more work today I actually have to go into work. Its not until 5. But I like to leave about an hr and a half to shower and actually make the journey. What sucks is it took about 4 months, but I finally hate my job. Well not my job persay, but the management. One in particular, oh and my new supervisor. I dont know him, but from Ive heard hes a very "work first fun second" which kinda the opposite to my style which is "create a fun working environment, and your employees will naturally work harder and take more pride". But im ranting, I would love to get out of there, but I havent been getting many subbing calls and i need the money to pay for my TeXeS and ExCet exams so I can start applying to be a teacher. Oh yea, and I still want a second job for the extra cash. BUUUUT... abck to where we are supposed to be.

Who ever said thinking outside the box would make work easier was a liar. Its not about thinking outside the box, its about thinking with the box. I was trying to figure out how i was going to prime all my temies (and this will probably be the technique i use for my squads also) and I though, if only i could paint them on their bases... and then it hit me... SHOEBOX. I poked little holes to stick the ones with nubs on, slots for those that had then, and a lil duct tape for the flatfoots. It worked perfectly.

The problem i thought I would face would be all the ones that were previously painted. I did a decent job of getting most of the paint off... But there was still some there. I was afraid that the primer wouldnt cover most of it up. But as ive learned form my research and the company which I shall steal most of my technique from ^_^ patience is the key. So I went to work, quick passes, and constant movment. And Ill have to admit they primed pretty nicely.

Sadly though, thats probably all Ill get to do today. As I wont have time to do more, and while i would love to stay up till 3 am after i get home from work, Ive got school in the morn. But as boring as it is, I enjoy it. I feel like im learning something, because its something that I can better myself and the lives of others doing it. And as much as I hate that manager, 10 years from now, hes going to be working at **********, and Im going to be enriching lives.

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About Me

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San Antonio, TX
I am a 25 year old college graduate with a BA in Criminal Justice. I do alot of tinkering and messing around with alot of stuff. Lots of hobbies and creativity flowing in the ol noggin, so I figured I might as well share it with you.