Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Building an Army (part 1)

So today was my first foray back into the wonderful world of 40k. I havent played or painted a figure in about 7 years and well, man when yer goin from scratch you forget how long the painting takes. I guess perhaps I could have started with something easier but you know me.

For the past 3-4 weeks I have been getting supplies and getting ready to undertake this endevour and today I was finally ready, what with the aquisition of what will be mah new painting table. But despite the 2.5 hours it took to paint my black templar themed dreadnaught I was really happy how it came out. I documented most of it, for your viewing pleasure, so I hope it came out well.

The first step was primer. I did this outside with some krylon camoflage flat black. Followed the steps I learned from Blue Table Painting as far as the basics of priming. Which were pretty much, small circles, dont stop moving. The next step was a base coat. I did this using a 50/50 mix of Chaos Black and water. This allowed a very flat finish and pretty much filled in the gaps that were missed from priming.

This was the only real hard step. Since I didnt really have a picture to go off of, I spent alot of time thinking and debating where would be a good place to highlight the figure with some Boltgun Metal. Eventually i figured it all out. Id think this step took about an hour all by itself.

Ahh the white step. Not perfect, and not easy, luckily not too much to do. Its got a nice ameture look to it. But, ive never liked the way the white, or red tbh, paint goes on. Some people might find this step to be cheating, but ill be honest, my hands shake a lot when im painting, so some of the paints might not be where they are supposed to be. So to account for this after I am done i go over the whole model with a fine brush and some Chaos Black and basically "erase" what mistakes i might have made. It might not be perfection, but it looks much better.

I pretty much followed the same steps I took with the body and did them on the arms. The only exception was instead of priming them with spray paint, I used a quick coat of Chaos Black. Made sure to get full coverage, but didnt bother going into the cracks in detail, the wash took care of that step.

So there he is all glued and put together. Now i think Sylvester came out ok. Im not exactly ready to enter a golden demon competetition or anything, but hes definitely play worthy and I am very happy with how he came out. I have yet to do his brother, and i will def not be documenting his progress as he will more than likely be very identical to this one. But yea... this hobby is fun and very relaxing to be honest. I do however have to apologize for the shoddy camera. Ill try to get a better one sometime soon. Its just hard to find one that will capture all the detail of something this small upclose.


Missy said...

Wow, pretty cool:)

Anonymous said...

Nice blog!

thank you for the viewing.

A fellow blogger,


About Me

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San Antonio, TX
I am a 25 year old college graduate with a BA in Criminal Justice. I do alot of tinkering and messing around with alot of stuff. Lots of hobbies and creativity flowing in the ol noggin, so I figured I might as well share it with you.