Sunday, September 21, 2008

Building an Army (part 3)

You know if i was patient and actually waited to do this all at the same time, these 5 terminators could have been tracked and progressed all in one post as opposed to 3 seperate ones. But Im not very smart, or patient for that matter.

So on the last post I told you that for some reason the paint was looking gritty, well i figured out what I had done wrong. Turns out I was washing my brushes in the same water as my metallics, and that had to be what did it, because as I was working on the arms, I added a 3rd set of water exclusively for my metallics and changed nothing else and bam problem solved.

So basically this set consists of 3 of the older termies I had stripped and repainted, and 2 from the Black Reach set. When you look at them all together You really cant tell which is which.

The commander though I did spend a little more time on the detailing, and generally on the non cookie cutter figs i tend to do that. I think he came out ok. I can really tell that my skill from seven years ago have improved immensely. As in the time it took me to do these 5, i could have knocked out about 30 spacemarines, but this patience gave me a much better product.

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About Me

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San Antonio, TX
I am a 25 year old college graduate with a BA in Criminal Justice. I do alot of tinkering and messing around with alot of stuff. Lots of hobbies and creativity flowing in the ol noggin, so I figured I might as well share it with you.